New Videos Explore Successful Addiction Recovery

Born into Alcohol and Drug Addiction: New Video Series Explores Successful Recovery from Addiction

The Recovery Place launches addiction video series:

Rachel was born into a family of drug addiction, and was actively using cocaine at age 12. Philip started with painkillers and moved onto using cocaine. A new video series from The Recovery Place drug and alcohol treatment center explores just why Rachel and Philip have been successful, when the odds were so against them. It isn’t just chance. Customized interventions helped them find their way out of alcohol and drug addiction.What Philip and Rachel have in common is the success they have achieved by going through a specialized drug rehab program that sees the client as the center of focus, not the drugs and alcohol.

In this new video series they share stories about their total powerlessness over drug use and abuse. They are frank about the pain and loss—and near death—that their addictive behaviors caused. Philip and Rachel both relapsed in the past after attending drug rehab treatment programs that seem to view treatment as one-method-for-all. They credit their success this time to the intensive individualized care that they received at The Recovery Place.

Drugs and alcohol are a symptom of the disease, and that’s not what our program is about. What causes the addiction is unique to every person, but there are common behaviors that are manifested. By viewing each client as a unique individual, a more effective drug addiction treatment plan can be put into action.Philip knew he was morally bankrupt during his drug use. And Rachel had years of living in an addictive home. The first time she used drugs was with her mother. Their frankness in this new video series makes an impact on the viewer. Rachel and Philip have shared their stories about successfully fighting their drug addictions in hopes of helping other addicts and their loved ones take that first step towards recovery.

Here is a video with Sarah from The Recovery Place’s addiction video series:

For the rest of the series and more videos go to The Recovery Place’s YouTube channel.

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