Christians Struggling with Addictions: There is Hope

Christians and addiction? Aren’t Christians supposed to be saints? How do Christians get tied up in this kind of temptation?
While society and popular stereotypes often associate people of faith with a squeaky clean, sin-free life, this is hardly the case. Christians are just as prone to temptation and sin as anyone else. And even for people who are religious, addiction can be a threat. Addiction is not confined to any particular group of people, race, class or gender. Anyone can be an addict—even Christians.
Hope Comes Through Honesty
Perpetuating the myth that people who follow the tenets of a particular faith are somehow above the temptations that the rest of society faces is not only unhelpful, it can even be dangerous. The belief that Christians should be perfect often keeps addicts in denial and impedes them from getting the help they need.
Though some Christians may fear coming out about their addiction for fear of being ostracized or rejected by their faith community, this fear is usually unfounded. Churches that truly understand God’s love and grace will generally reach out to those who are struggling with addiction to offer support, prayer and tangible help. You may want to begin by speaking with your pastor, Bible study leader or a Christian counselor.
The key to recovery is honesty. When we can admit that even though we are Christians we are addicts, and when we can admit that we are powerless over the addiction and only God can help, we gain the hope of recovery and freedom.
Hope Comes Through the Gospel
What Christians struggling with addictions have is hope—hope in the restorative power of Jesus Christ. While a Christian may get caught in the snare of addiction, the good news is that he or she doesn’t have to stay there. Jesus’ death on the cross saves us from our sins, and not just the sins of the past, but the temptations of the present. No matter what we have done, no matter how severe our addiction may be and how badly we struggle, there is forgiveness and hope in Jesus Christ.
Hope Comes Through Help
While faith in Christ is essential, addicts will also need a tangible program of recovery, and many find this through Christian rehab programs. This is time to not only begin living sober, but to also begin finding your way back to God. As you put down the addiction and start to get the help you need, you will learn who God is and what it means to live a life that glorifies him. God’s plans and purposes for you are greater than any addiction(s) you may face. There is help and hope for you. Contact us today for more information about addiction and Christian rehab programs.
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