Tips for a Safe and Sober 4th of July
The 4th of July is considered the deadliest day of the year. This is because holidays, like Independence Day, have forged a tight bond with drug and alcohol abuse.
This summer holiday is known for beach parties, barbecues and fireworks; but it’s also known for its staggering statistics in drinking and driving fatalities. From 2000 to 2009, the 4th of July accounted for more vehicular fatalities than any other day. 40 percent of those fatalities involved a driver under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Holidays that involve a lot of parties and alcohol are also high trigger days for individuals in addiction recovery to maintain his or her sobriety. While in addiction recovery, it is important to avoid high trigger situations, but if you find yourself at a 4th of July event there are some steps you can take to maintain your sobriety while also enjoying the Independence Day festivities.
Below are safe and sober tips to help you and your loved ones from becoming another devastating statistic, but more importantly, to enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
Bring Your Own Non-Alcoholic Drinks
4th of July barbecues often involve alcoholic beverages, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the great food, sunshine and fireworks without a beer or cocktail. Freely attend as many get-togethers as possible, but come prepared. By bringing your own non-alcoholic beverages not only do you let your host know you’re not going to partake in alcohol, but you also have a beverage you enjoy and don’t have to worry about relapsing or making the wrong choice to get behind the wheel after drinking.
Choose the Right Kind of 4th of July Celebration
Some Independence Day parties revolve around alcohol, while others put more attention on being outdoors, barbecuing great food and enjoying the nighttime fireworks. If you are invited to one of the parties focused more on alcohol, kindly decline the invite and find a 4th of July celebration more supportive of your sobriety and the safety of you and your family. Spend the day at the beach or find a family backyard barbecue.
Bring a Supportive Friend
Having a friend that is aware and supportive of your decision is like having an additional safety net. They will be there to catch you if you fall, or to help guide you in the right direction. Also, what holiday gathering isn’t more fun with a friendly face?
Don’t Completely Avoid the Holiday
If you feel like it is safer to stay in and alone, you may also be risking the safety of the holiday. By staying in you succumb to wonder and loneliness. Getting out and being active is very supportive of an alcohol and drug free lifestyle. By surrounding yourself with positive people who care about you and your decision to remain sober, you can still have a fun and safe holiday without the dangers of relapse or drunk driving.
If you or someone you love is either struggling with an alcohol and drug addiction, or is fearful of relapse, don’t hesitate to call us 855-678-8337 for more information on reaching and maintaining addiction recovery.
We wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!
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