People can be dependent and not have abuse problems at all. They’re successful students. They’re good parents, good workers. They watch their weight. They go to the gym. Then they go home and have four martinis or two bottles of wine. Are they alcoholics? You bet."
- Dr. Mark Willengring of the National Institut
One day after school, Hadley came home and told her mom she was going to the mall to get a new pair of shoes. As she turned and started to walk towards the front door, Hadley’s mom burrowed her head in her hands and muttered to herself, “Please no, not again.”
Hadley was puzzled at the reaction, but her mom wa
Alcohol and drug addiction is a heartbreaking condition for those surrounding an addict. It is extremely painful to watch someone you love destroy their life piece-by-piece as a result of an addiction to drugs or alcohol; a feeling Matthew Wethington’s mother knows all too well.
In an attempt to combat his fee
After graduating from college with a degree in business administration, 24-year-old Hassan desperately searched for a job for over two years. With no job in sight, Hassan’s economic, social, and psychological problems deepened to an unbearable point.
It was then that Hassan turned to drug abuse after one
Bath Salts, which first emerged in Europe, have risen as a new threat to American streets already ridden with an array of drug addictions.
Recent headlines have been coated with what seem like completely unrealistic stories; like that of Rudy Eugene, who was fatally shot after he refused to stop eating another man
We have been hit with another devastating news story sparked by alcohol abuse. Deborah Bradley, mother of infant Lisa Irwin, admits to being drunk while her baby girl went missing nearly a month ago—an innocent child is lost and addiction is to blame…
After nine days of silence Bradley admitted that she had abus
Alcohol and drug addiction by itself can be fatal from the harmful deterioration of the human body, but have you thought of other serious situations an addiction to alcohol and drugs can put you in?
Yesterday, the sentencing phase is set to begin in the case of the Ohio serial killer named Anthony Sowell. Sowell had
Last Thursday, in Arlington, Texas, Major league Baseball was hit with tragedy. Shannon Stone fell to his death attempting to catch a baseball tossed to him by Texas Rangers All-Star outfielder Josh Hamilton; an accident that Hamilton is still struggling to come to terms with. Texas Rangers president Nolan Ryan provide