The Recovery Place drug rehab center launches drug and alcohol video series:
Loss of family, jobs, friends and self-respect are themes explored in a new six-video series by The Recovery Place, a Florida outpatient drug and alcohol rehab center. Greg and Jim, both now in recovery from their addictions, openly share t
The opening of the Holiday Season can be a minefield of memories for alcoholics in recovery: Pain from lost traditions, or the specter of past Thanksgivings that were memorable only as an example of how alcohol can ruin what should be a happy time of feasting and celebrating with family and friends.
The Recovery Place launches addiction video series:
Rachel was born into a family of drug addiction, and was actively using cocaine at age 12. Philip started with painkillers and moved onto using cocaine. A new video series from The Recovery Place drug and alcohol treatment center explores just why Rachel and Philip
The Recovery Place drug rehab center launches drug and alcohol video series:
Rachel, Jim and Greg are in successful recovery after going through patient-focused (not addiction-focused) treatment at The Recovery Place residential alcohol and drug rehab center. All three have been failed by treatment facilities in the
The Recovery Place launches Christian alcohol & drug addiction video series:
Honest stories of struggle and recovery are presented in this eleven-video series on Christian based drug rehab. Recovering addicts share how they are achieving success through a combination of Bible-based and traditional drug rehab t
Perhaps one of the most difficult situations a person can experience is seeing a loved one go through an addiction, no matter what the substance is. Human nature leads this person to do whatever they can to help the addict, which sometimes leads to enabling them to continue abusing their addiction and returning to
We want to extend our hopes and wishes for you and your family to have a happy and safe holiday season. Each person that we have met along this journey has left an imprint on our soul. Everyone that has come to our door for help and a new beginning has made a difference in our lives as we hope we have in theirs. Al
As Thanksgiving begins the traditional holiday season, it is also a time that both the joys and sorrows of struggling with recovery are very much on our minds here at The Recovery Place.
Being in a positive place in your recovery means that you may be looking forward to sharing Thanksgiving and the upcoming holid
The human brain, though a mighty organ, uses shortcuts. It does so out of necessity, and you can generally assume that at any one time, the brain is trying to use as little energy as possible. One way it preserves energy is by limiting its sensory input (what your senses take in) and therefore streamlining its depi